11 May 2008

"I" Problem

It has been some time since I did this blog. Things are tough as usual but guess I'm getting the hang of it. What spurred me on to blog was what Father Gino said today on the 2nd day of Pentecostal rally.

He mentioned about the "I" problem that many people have. People who have been touched by God and people who have been healed by God. Why do catholics and christians keep running after great preachers, rallies, masses? There are many who look for healing masses. (in actual fact, all masses bring healing)

People can be healed physically by God, but are they healed spiritually? It is only when we are spiritually healed can we then take our eyes off ourselves. We all have the "I" problem. Thinking of how sad our lives are, thinking of how we can improve our lives, wondering why things aren't going so well with us.. But in actual fact, we are on earth as God's answers to other peoples' prayers. People who pray for money because they are in need, people who pray for love, people who crave for life... 

If everyone looks only for his or her own well-being, then no one is going to help each other. We are answers to each others' problems. In many ways. Each person is gifted in one way or another, and we have different number of people which whom we can or are able to touch. To bring loving kindness to another...

In my beloved cell group, we reached a certain dry point. I was very concerned but was not too sure why... One of our dear sisters mentioned that she was starting to feel a drag coming and wondered where in the world we were heading. And she was not the only one, even as one of the leaders, I myself felt it to be a burden to go for cell meetings... If not for the love of God and the love of the people I would have failed to appear. But each time I felt tempted to slack, I remembered those lives that were entrusted to me. Perhaps on that day, a brother or sister needed advice or comfort. And so I would drag my lazy butt off to be there, hoping to find some hope and light for us all. 

In intercessory, Our Dearest Merciful God highlighted that we all have reached a certain saturation point and need to grow deeper in the word, something that needs to be done again, breaking of the word instead of simply just coming together and sharing about our pitiful little problems, it is a cell group to grow leaders, not a professional mourner's organization for people to come and lament together... But to come and build one another with the word of God. And sharing testimonies and to lift up each others' spirits. 

Another thing Father Gino shared was how simply people could minister to each other. He highlighted the importance of touch. Jesus, whenever He would heal someone, He would touch the part that needed healing. He put His hands on the eyes of a blind man... He touched a dead girl and brought her back to life... When a lady needed healing, she just touched His cloak and was healed... It was a touch of faith, a touch of hope, a touch to bring love and life...

There was a study I heard on Joyce Meyer's podcast, a professor found out that a lack of hugs could shorten a woman's life... Imagine that... I believe it to be true, not because it was by a preacher, but let's look at it this way. We all need touches to give us assurance, we need touches to communicate to us love, we need touches to bring us comfort, we need touches to know that somebody else out there does care. not just any touch, but one of sincerity, of compassion, of love. A deliberate rub, a hug or any other form depending on the person's relationship with you. Touch brings life. God touches people bringing life to them. People can communicate God's love to each other through touch. When we pray for healing, it would really help a lot more just to touch the person. For through the knowledge of love, people can be healed. 

So let's work it out, touching others and looking less at ourselves, knowing that our Good Lord, who knows our needs will send help our way. We're all blessed to be a blessing. If everyone looks out for each other, then nobody will have to be in need. Lord, help us to touch people, touch lives. Show us with Your wisdom, we ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

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