11 October 2007

Let go and let God

One of the things I am still constantly trying to master is letting go. Sometimes when someone offends you, or when at work the pressure is great, I find myself holding it in.

Someone once asked me, why don't you let it out? As in tell that person on the spot. Problem is, when you are angry, at that moment you'd probably wanna lose you cool and lash out at the person. But God has always told us to practice self-control. In scriptures it says a fool speaks / answers without thinking but a wise man holds his tongue.

We all know this saying 'empty vessels make the most noise'. It is always wiser to remain silent first, analyze the situation and then consider options. People will see such a person as wise, not always recklessly allowing his emotions get the better of him then regret what he has said or done later. Thing about offence is, the devil will keep tempting you to nurse your 'wound'. To bear a grudge. But God says do not let the sun go down on your anger.

In the history of people blessed with the gift of healing, they have all noticed traits of people with diseases. First, disease comes from the term Dis-Ease. Discomfort. When are we not comfortable? Usually when we are offended and angry or are afraid to be offended, fearful. t has been found like chronic diseases, let's say cancer has the root cause of bitterness and unforgiveness. How you know you got it, when you are not at peace. Heart disease, when your heart is not at peace and thus constricts itself, trapping all the cholesterol and clogging up the arteries.

Therefore, having known that, we can realize then that forgiveness and the peace that the Lord, not the world, gives is essential to life! God wants to give us life, but we gotta let go of our anger and hatred and forgive! In the Our Father prayer, the sentence forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us is not just that God wants us to play fair to others but also to ourselves! Are you getting it, God loves us so much that He doesn't want us to sabotage ourselves! What a MAGNIFICENT and CARING God we serve! So therefore, forgiveness from God and ourselves is vital. Not just important but vital.

So back to where I was, 1 night I was tensed after work, I snapped at Jane (poor Jane) due to my stress from a collection of things. This happens when I do not spend time with God letting Him handle them and lifting up my problems to Him. (Now we see the importance of personal quiet time daily.) I collect the problems. And hope for a chance to spend time with God. It is due to wanting to practice self-control as bible instructed.

So if any of you watch Naruto, a Japanese animation, you will know what is rasengan. A ball of power spinning in many directions, compressed into that shape of a ball. Naruto used power to compress power to that shape and when it hits the enemy, the enemy suffers devastating effects. Same with my stress, I get stressed from various reasons, family, work etc... And in order to practice self-control, I used more energy (though there was no need to) to hold on, keep it all in so that I will not foolishly lash at anyone and later take my time to reflect it through before deciding on next course of action. But we as humans all have limits so Jane who happens to be near me got it. I'm sorry dear.

The key, is to spend consistent quiet time with God, pour your problems on Him, He is the only one who will be able to manage and so let Him do it. All things WILL work out well for ALL those who love Christ Jesus. So let's practice constant prayer and communication with God, you'll be surprised how much happier, carefree and full of faith you are.

Lord I pray for all who read this to have open hearts and to seek you more. Lead us all, especially me, a sinful person, along Your way, Your will. Search our hearts and know our thoughts, find anything that is evil in us, take care of that, and lead us along the path to life everlasting. Amen.

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